Reaction and reflection
Reaction and Reflection:  Conceptual Background and Definition
The metacognitive processes involved in self-judging and making causal attributions to personal performance.
The final SRL phase involves a student evaluating and judging their performance and making causal attributions for their performance.  Students who do not self-evaluate their performance or who are not cognizant of the importance of self-evaluation, tend to engage in surface (vs deep) processing in learning and also tend to display more negative affect and lower effort (Pintrich, 2002).  Taking time to reflect on one’s learning and learning processes is associated with more successful academic outcomes.  Stated briefly, SRL reaction and reflection strategies are defined as a student’s self-judging their performance and making causal attributions for their performance
Upon completion of an academic task, a student may reflect on the outcome and experience an affective reaction.  If the outcome was successful goal attainment, happiness may result. Conversely, academic failure may produce anger or sadness. The specific causes the student attributes to their success or failure (causal attribution) are hypothesized to impact the development of future levels of motivational beliefs (e.g., academic self- efficacy, academic self- concept), and thus, future learning (Pintrich, 2000).  Finally, a student’s thoughts about their behavior (e.g., amount of actual study time vs. planned study time) is important for SRL via the mechanism of choice.  For example, “they may decide that procrastinating studying for an exam may not be the most adaptive behavior for academic achievement.  In the future, they may decide to make a different choice in terms of their effort and time management” (Pintrich, 2000, p. 469).