1.2 Requests for input, articles, and new categories
ICDP is requesting help from others in the following areas:
  • Additional MIA or newly published manuscripts.  If after reading the reference list you recognize a key reference is missing, or you are aware of a recently published manuscript not included in the archive, we would welcome receiving a PDF copy of the manuscript.  Please send such MIA references to the blogmaster at iap@earthlink.net.
  • Suggestions for organization or archive.  If readers have suggestions for how the material can be better organized (i.e., different subtopics; articles that should be listed under specific subtopics, etc.) contact the blogmaster.
  • Corrections of errors, etc.  It is possible (likely) that this archive may contain errors of spelling, grammar, etc.  The blogmaster would appreciate receiving notes re: any such errors so they can be fixed in the next update.