Book chapters
Flanagan, D. & Harrison, P.  (2005).  Contemporary Intellectual Assessment, Second Edition : Theories, Tests, and Issues, Guilford Press:  New York.  (click to link to
  • This book includes a variety of chapters related to CHC theory and assessment (including a chapter re: the WJ III by Fred Scrhank).  This edited text is the most comprehensive book on CHC theory and assessment. See related blog post comments by Kevin McGrew ( click here)
Schrank, F. A. & Flanagan, D, P. WJ III Clinical Use and Interpretation. San Diego: Academic Press. (click to link to
McGrew, K. S., Woodcock, R. W., & Ford, L. (2002). The Woodcock-Johnson-- Third Edition (WJ III): Description and application with adolescents and adults. In A. Kaufman, N. Kaufman, & E. Lichtenberg (Eds.), Clinical assessment with adolescents and adults (2nd ed., ). New York: John Wiley. (click to view - NOTE - this is a large scanned not attempt to view/dowlonad from a modem unless you have lots of time)