1. Read First: What is an EWOK?

An EWOK is an web-based, visually-oriented (navigation via visual-graphic MindMap is the most efficient means to access the information--although, those who prefer a more linear outline form can click on the "Home" and/or "Table of Contents" options in the right hand corner of each map), "Evolving Web of Knowledge" regarding a specific domain of knowledge of interest to the Institute for Applied Psychometrics.  [Sorry to those who found this site via a Google search in hopes of finding information about the cute furry EWOK's in the Star Wars series.]
The goal of an EWOK is simple:
  • To provide a centralized up-to-date source of information regarding a specific topic that is revised/updated on a semi-regular basis.  In some respects it is like a "wiki" in Wikipedia, but it differs in that it is a closed system......only I (Kevin McGrew) can post information. This might change in the future if others indicate an interest in contributing to the growth of this EWOK.
The goal of the WJ III EWOK is simple - to provide up-to-date information that has accumulated since the WJ III battery was published in 2001.  That's it... a simple goal.
As a result, this EWOK primarily includes WJ III related information, although if an empirical study was based on the previous edition(WJ-R), but was published post-2001, it is included, as these studies provide useful information regarding many of the WJ III tests and clusters.  Also, studies that did not directly evaluate WJ III measures, but used WJ III measures as independent or dependent variables in the pursuit of other research questions, are also included.
I hope to update and revise this EWOK on a regular basis. More importantly, I'm actively requesting assistance in locating missing information (that should be included) and emerging information (esp. research articles "in press"; doctoral dissertations; fugitive unpublished research; etc). Anyone who is aware of such "gems" is encouraged to send the information for review and possible inclusion in this EWOK.  Please send to the following email address --- iap@eartlhlink.net.
The first version was posted on 3-25-06.  The current revision (v3.0; 10-1-08) is FAR from  complete, but I want to get this "out there"so people can benefit from the currently available WJ III EWOK information.
Feedback regarding this project is welcome.  Please use the email address listed above.
FYI notes regarding new versions of this EWOK will be published via two sources:.
Finally, if people find any "dead links", please notify me via email at the address listed above.
Dr. Kevin McGrew