3.2 Acknowledgements
The WMF HCA archive project has benefited from the diligent work of a number of individuals. 
  • Jeff Evans - Jeff Evans was instrumental in the initial IAP archive project.  Jeff instituted a systematic organizational system to the massive set of Carroll materials.  He also was instrumental in the entry of a number of the correlation matrices. Finally, his work in securing printed or pdf copies of many of the original manuscripts was critical to the success of the current project.
  • Stephanie Kellner - Stephanie Kellner is the current WMF employee who is entering the correlation matrices from Carroll's printouts into Excel files.
  • Barb Wendling - Barb Wendling is the Education Director for WMF.  She has provided valuable feedback regarding the text of the web pages.

  • In addition, the following scholars have graciously provided copies of fugitive articles and manuscripts.
  • Dr. Alex Beaujean. 
  • Dr. Lazar Stankov