10.3 GUIL31 to GUIL46 (n=17): READ FIRST
The 17 Guilford data sets archived here are based on correlation matrices from one single publication.  The publication is:
Guilford, J. P. & Lacey, J. I. (Eds.)  1947).  Printed classification tests.  Army Air Force Aviation Psychology Program Research Reports, No. 5.  Washington, DC:  U.S. Government Printing Office.
Given the large size of this PDF file (54+MB), it has been uploaded to a different location on the web.  Click here to access/download.
The WMF HCA project could not originally locate a copy of this manuscript.  As a result, seven of the 17 matrices were entered by hand into Excel files (similar to all other correlation matrices in this archive).  However, a copy of the original manuscript (available above) was secured on 12-27- 11.  At this point, to save time, the remaining correlation matrices were NOT entered in Excel files.  Individuals who want to access these correlation matrices should download the large report and then locate the matrices in the body of that report and hand enter them into files to suit their needs.  Below is a listing of the 17 different Guilford datasets that come from this publication.   This image comes from the references in Carroll's 1993 book.   The page number designates the page in the report where the matrices can be found.
The matrices that had already been entered are included sub-branches (sub-headings) to this primary branch or heading
10.3.1 GUIL11 Task done
Original manuscript (see prior branch or heading)
10.3.2 GUIL31 Task done
Original manuscript (see prior branch or heading)
10.3.3 GUIL32A Task done
Original manuscript (see prior branch or heading)
10.3.4 GUIL34 Task done
Original manuscript (see prior branch or heading)
10.3.5 GUIL36 Task done
Original manuscript (see prior branch or heading)
10.3.6 GUIL37 Task done
Original manuscript (see prior branch or heading)
10.3.7 GUIL38 Task done
Original manuscript (see prior branch or heading)
10.3.8 10 other matrices: See primary branch or heading Task done
Original manuscript (see prior branch or heading)
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